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- Commercial PCM Cards
- Best of M&T XSC-1S (XSC-801 + XPC-01) - Orchestral XSC-2S (XSC-802 + XPC-02) - Piano Keyboard XSC-3S (XSC-803 + XPC-03) - Dance XSC-4S (XSC-804 + XPC-04) - Synth Design XSC-5S (XSC-805 + XPC-05) - Ethnic XSC-6S (XSC-806 + XPC-06) |
- 03R/W Cards
- Wavestation Cards - SAM-1 - other - InVision |
Korg sold six PCM Card Sets at a cost of $200 (US $) each. Cards could be used "with all 0-series products except 03R/W". As expressed in 1992 sales literature:
"Each two-card set in the XSC series of data cards gives you a PCM card which offers a huge volume of quality PCM data, plus a program/combination card containing 100 programs and 100 combinations, and demo sequences."
00 Metal Kids | 04 Analog 4 | 08 Slap Bass 2 | 12 Pulse Wave |
01 Rezo Bass | 05 Dig Bass | 09 Pull Bass | 13 FX Guitar |
02 Synth Bass 3 | 06 Analog Bob | 10 Thumb Bass | 14 Dance Kit |
03 Analog 3 | 07 House Bass | 11 Dig Pad | 15 Orch Hit 2 |
"I can say it's pretty cool! You get a TR-909 Kick, some cool acid snares, and some synth bass sounds. Overall, the card is good, but too few samples in it." (99Jan17)
00 Clav TS-1 | 17 WavMit 9 | 34 X Bass | 51 Strat Pluck | 68 Table Saw |
01 Clav TS-3 | 18 WavMit 10 | 35 Osc Bass | 52 Down Zap | 69 Hand Drill |
02 Clav TS-4 | 19 VoxFmt 1 | 36 FM Bass | 53 Up&DownZap | 70 Hedge Clips |
03 Clav TS-5 | 20 VoxFmt 2 | 37 Digi Beller | 54 Solid Hit | 71 Honer |
04 Res 2-1 | 21 Ringer | 38 Wurly Wave | 55 Vocal Snare | 72 Space Freez |
05 Res 2-2 | 22 PolySyn 1 | 39 Oct Wave | 56 2X4 | 73 Train Rap |
06 Res 2-3 | 23 PWM 2 | 40 FM Bell | 57 Pipe | 74 XylofnLoop |
07 Res 2-4 | 24 RexPulsMod | 41 Mega Bell | 58 Anvil | 75 XyloLoopRP |
08 Res 2-5 | 25 Wah Fuzz | 42 Mega Bell LP | 59 IndustSnr 1 | 76 Arpeggio Up |
09 Res 2-6 | 26 Syn Piano | 43 New Ana Pad | 60 IndustSnr 2 | 77 Saw Loop |
10 Res 2-7 | 27 Sine Bass | 44 Fanta Pad | 61 Oil Drum | 78 Cym Flange |
11 WavMit 3 | 28 Rez Bass 1 | 45 Cobalt | 62 Noise Hit | 79 White Noise |
12 WavMit 4 | 29 Rez Bass 2 | 46 Krypton | 63 Perc Noise | 80 Pink Noise |
13 WavMit 5 | 30 Mini Bass 1 | 47 Xenon | 64 Whip It | 81 SpecNoise |
14 WavMit 6 | 31 Mini Bass 2 | 48 FreqShf 1 | 65 Pull 1 | |
15 WavMit 7 | 32 Mini Bass 3 | 49 FreqShf 2 | 66 Pull 2 | |
16 WavMit 8 | 33 House Bass | 50 FreqShf 3 | 67 Jet Shot |
00 ClavTS-1 Syn
01 ClavTS-3 Syn 02 ClavTS-4 Syn 03 ClavTS-5 Syn 04 Res 2-1 Syn 05 Res 2-2 Syn 06 Res 2-3 Syn 07 Res 2-4 Syn 08 Res 2-5 Syn 09 Res 2-6 Syn 10 Res 2-7 Syn 11 WavMlt3 Syn 12 WavMlt4 Syn 13 WavMlt5 Syn 14 WavMItR Syn 15 WavMlt7 Syn 16 WavMlt8 Syn 17 WavMlt9 Syn 18 WavMIt10 Syn 19 VoxFmtl Syn 20 VoxFmt2 Syn 21 Ringer Syn 22 PolySynl Syn 23 PWM2 Syn 24 RezPulsMod Syn |
25 WahFuzz Syn
26 SynPiano Syn 27 SineBass Syn 28 RezBassl Syn 29 RezBass2 Syn 30 MiniBassl Syn 31 MiniBass2 Syn 32 MiniBass3 Syn 33 HouseBass Syn 34 X -Bass Syn 35 OscBass Syn 36 FMBass Syn 37 DigiBeller Syn 38 WurIyWave Syn 39 OctWave Syn 40 FMBeII Syn 41 MegaBell Syn 42 MegaBeIILP Syn 43 NewAnaPad Syn 44 FantaPad Syn 45 Cobalt Syn 46 Krypton Syn 47 Xenon Syn 48 FreqSftlSyn 49 FreqSft2 Syn |
50 FreqSft3 Syn
51 StratPluck Syn 52 DownZap Perc 53 Up&DownZap Perc 54 SolidHit Perc C#6RP 55 VocaISnare Perc 56 2X4 Perc C#7NT 57 Pipe Perc C#7NT 58 Anvil Perc C#7NT 59 IndustSnrl Perc C#7RP 60 IndustSnr2 Perc C#6RP 61 OiIDrum Perc C#6RP 62 NoiseHit Perc C#7NT 63 PercNoise Perc C#7NT 64 Whiplt Perc C#7RP 65 Pull1 Perc 66 Pull2 Perc 67 JetShot Perc C#7NT 68 TabIeSaw Perc 69 HandDrill Perc C#7NT 70 HedgeClips Perc C#7NT 71 Honer Perc 72 SpaceFreez FX C#6RP 73 TrainRap FX C#6RP 74 XylofnLoop FX C#7RP |
75 XyloLoopRP FX C#3RF
76 ArpeggioUp FX C#6Ra 77 SawLoop FX C#7Nr 78 CymFlange FX C#6NT 79 WhiteNoise Syn 80 PinkNoise Syn C#7N1 81 SpecNoise Syn C#7RF 82 DownZapNT Perc NT 83 Up&DwnZpNT Perc NT 84 SolidHitNT Perc NT 85 NoiseHitNT Perc NT 86 WhipItNT Perc NT 87 Pull1 NT Perc NT 88 Pu112NT Perc NT 89 HandDnINT Perc NT 90 HedgeCIpNT Perc NT 91 SpaceFreNT FX NT 92 TrainRapNT FX NT ' 93 ArpegUpNT FX NT 94 PeriodNT FX NT 95 SawLoopNT FX NT 96 CymFIangNT FX NT 97 WhiteNoiNT Syn NT 98 PinkNoiNT Syn NT |
' NT = / i h ~i i~ t-;K'(7) 7A, -3r- *) r7 i h Z-4-. Non-transpose Multisound.
' C#6NT = C # 6 fi' h ± L1 / i h ~ i ~Kt -~ Z'fi. Non-transpose/
C#6 up.
' C#7NT = C # 7 Y)' h ± d: / i h ~ i 7,t - ~ Z ~. Non-transpose/
C#7 up
' C#3RP = C # 3 fi' h C 5 , C # 5 h' h C 7 , C # 7 h' h C 8 7 'J E
- h AY 7 9 - 7 L Z v ~ I T.
Repeat Octaves at following points/ C#3-C5, C#5-C7, C#7-C8.
' C#6RP=C # 6 fi' h C 7 , C # 7 t, h C 8 Z 'J E - h ~Y 7 ~ - 7 L Z
U ' 1~ -~r.
Repeat Octaves at following points/ C#6-C7, C#7-C8.
' C#7RP=C # 7 fi' h C 8 -C" 1) E- h t 7 9 7 L Z w iz -~r.
Repeat Octaves at following points/ C#7-C8.
00 IndustSnrl | 08 Up&DownZap | 16 TabIeSaw | 24 CymFlange | 32 TrainRap |
01 IndustSnr2 | 09 SolidHit | 17 HandDrill | 25 WhiteNoise | 33 XylofnLoop |
02 OiIDrum | 10 NoiseHit | 18 HedgeClips | 26 PinkNoise | 34 FreqSftl |
03 VocaISnare | 11 PercNoise | 19 Honer | 27 SpecNoise | 35 FreqSft2 |
04 EIecTomHi | 12 Malt | 20 SwitchOn | 28 ArpeggioUp | 36 FreqSft3 |
05 EIecTomMid | 13 Pull1 | 21 2X4 | 29 Period | |
06 EIecTomLow | 14 Pull2 | 22 Pipe | 30 SawLoop | |
07 DownZap | 15 JetShot | 23 Anvil | 31 SpaceFreez |
00-:: MetalicAir JS/SL
01 ~~rFantaGlide JS/SL 02 Alaska SL/AT/VDA 03:=rRezPuIsMod JS/SL 04-:: CymFlangel JSS 05-.,Pluck Belt JS/SL 06,- ,80'TecBass JS/SL 07 WShapeLead SL 08a"sBlack Hole -- 09D <Tool Kit> JSc 10 :~ Aurora JS/SL 11 ~: MIDI Pad JS/SL 12~`rFlat-Ulant AT 13 PolyM"g -- 14 :; Honer Jgc 15 --StickyClav JS/SL 16 -, 'r Rezo Bass JS/SL/VDA 17 ,'; Ringer 7th JS/SL/VDA 18 w Zaa»>App JS/SL 19 Parasites 20~~SweIIBells --- 21-"FatStrings JS/SL 22*PolySyn l JS/SL 232~Platon JS/SL 24-:';TabIeSaw JSS |
25~.: FreqShftl ---
26:'-.°HouseBass JS/SL 27 CriktComp JS/SL 28~`,,Ann Villy JS/SL 29D <NoizToyz>~ JSc 30 :',Living Vox JS/SL 31 :=~ Fairly Pad JS/SL 32* S-PWM Syn JS/SUVDA 33 : rReso-Sync -- 34 ,': StarDust JS 35 :: Oil Drum JS/SL 36~': Fat XBass JS/SL 37 "':The Airman JS/SL 38 ~'cAir Snap>> JS/SL 39a'; No Gravity ~Jsc 40~~ Ana Piano JS/SL 41 frVocal Ease --- 42 DigiBuzz -- 43~JrDream Box JS/SL 44 :'': PowerDrill JSS 45:,FreqShft2 46 WaveShpBs1 -- 47?'SpecSwell JS/SL 48-"Terminator SL 49 Samp&Hold1 JS |
50~; StarDust JS/SL
51 -:'~ Pollen Pad JS/SL 52.=rGlider -- 53~~Rezando JS/SL 54-r'; CymFlange2 JSS 55 :: SynPianoVS JS 56 .': Sub Bass JS/SL 57 .'',• Formant 1 JS/SL 58 Arrakis JS/SL/VDA 59 Sputnik '~S 60-:: New&NowPad --- 61 ~'; Warm PWM JS/SL 62 BitingSaw SL 63 KiIIDeBugs 64:'; HedgeClips JSc 65-.~ Freq Bell JS/SL 66 :=. FM Bass JS/SL 67~,~Funkateer JS/SL/AT 68vrBottomRezz JS/SL 69:'; Samp&Hold2 JS 70~': MegaBell JS/SL 71 NightWings -- 72-'3-AnaBeIIPad -- 73vTable Bass AT 74 .'; XyloSweep 'S,p |
75 :~: Krystaline AT
76 :: Mini Bass JS/SL 77i,"Formant 2 JS/SL 78 House Hits JS/SL 79;'; Ring Step 'qT 80 .~ Nite Flight JS/SUAT 81 :`Flotation --- 82Chariots JS/SL 83~Rezolution JS/SL 84 ~': DbIHelix JSc 85~: Gami-Chan JS/SL 86 :J BassLdDrop JS/SL 87*DigiComp JS/SL 88-,~tBig Bang JS/SL 89 :'r RobotLaugh Sc 90 Zephyrus -- 91 ;'SAnaClassic JS/SL/AT 92~PWM Comp!! JS/SL 93-~'rCacoon SL/AT 94 (: WhiteNoise SJ` 95 Metal Bell JS/SL 96 :~ Metal Bass JS/SL 97a7SquareLe2.d SL/PD 98 AnalogBrite JS/SL 99:'r Troubler "c |
FpU7L7771.11X SC-8 0 507J1.3+trJ% hi~e~f~~~Z~~~~.
::--marked programs are created with XSC-805 Multisounds.
Effect Dynamic Modulation Control Source:
JS-Joystick, AT-After Touch. SL-ValLie Slider, VDA=VDA EG, PD=Foot
-%Jft ~) L L+ /11 ' & I_, (7) " Y) ~) fl h'k T h', *1$ U)
Because of the parameter settings, some sounds may have some aliasing
noise on the top of the keyboad.
Michael Geisel.
15-12, Shimotakaido 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan
00 DoubIeStar JS
01 UK Synth SL/AT/VDA 02 CyberFunk JS 03 TheDentist JS 04 XpressPad 05 MightyComp SL/AT/VDA 06 Voxlets 'JS/SL 07 MaxAnalog JS/SL 08 BeIIPlanet JS 09 Mixed Drum 10 SSsssyncro JS 11 DigiBigi JS/SL 12 MachineAge JS 13 QuasarLead JS 14 Aurora Pad 15 Plano+Alfa JS/SL 16 GentIeBell JS/SL 17 PistonBass JS/SL 18 AnaSt.Ring JS/SL/AT 19 TeknoSChrd 20 StarChild JS/SL 21 Stab Brass JS/SL 22 AstroSplit JS 23 CutYerFace JS/SL 24 GIassVoice |
25 <CIaviPan> JS/SL/AT
26 LunarBells JS 27 BigToeBass JS 28 WindRiders JS 29 IndyDrum s 30 Macrocosm AT 31 AnalogCity JS/SL/AT 32 Neurotic SL 33 GosickHall AT 34 Frontiers 35 MidiElecP JS/SL 36 TheGamelan JS/SL 37 Xeon Synth JS/SL 38 RosinSweep JS/SL 39 TekhousHit 40 Octa Ocean JS/SL 41 ISawBrass JS/SL 42 TooSplitus SL/AT 43 FatSqrLead JS 44 Voxy Choir 45 Clav&Bite! JS/SL 46 Air Chimes JS/SL 47 Mr.Bottom JS/SL 48 Synth Rise JS/SL 49 TrashDrums |
50 SpaceRide JS/SL
51 Perihelion JS/SL/AT 52 FunkyDuet JS/SL 53 Vocalysm AT 54 NightB reed 55 Bassonette AT 56 Bellisando JS 57 Rezo Bite JS/SL 58 Ionized JS/SL 59 LostnSpace 60 Super Nova JS/SL 61 SIowAnalog JS/SL 62 Sub Stick SL 63 OctaveLead JS 64 Major Pad 65 Multitudes JS/SL/AT 66 Windy Belz JS/SL 67 BassyVoxes JS/SL 68 CompresAir AT 69 Mad House 70 SolarWind JS/SL 71 AnaFanFare JS/SL 72 Finger4ths VDA 73 Buzz Cat JS/SL 74 Equinox |
75 Dr. Piano JS/SL
76 Industrial JS/SL 77 Resonator AT 78 Airy MIDI JS/SL 79 [Mercury] 80 Asteroids VDA 81 Boiler Man JS/SL/AT 82 Empathy JS/SL 83 Fuzz Wah JS 84 Jet Sweeps 85 RezoStick JS/SL 86 Glass&Ice SL 87 AnalogMeat JS/SL 88 Fragments JS/SL 89 InTheWar p 90 Metrapolis JS/SL/AT 91 Big&Bright JS/AT 92 South Pole JS/SL/AT 93 Big4thLead JS 94 Metallics 95 fvtega r iaiiU `JS%JL 96 rd(lld5idfl *is y/ Space L'3a:S yJJ/JL/A'I 98 Did's UUSI JJ/~JL 99 FroyAtlack |
The 03 Prog/Combi cards are NOT compatible with the 01 (the 03 has different Sounds in ROM). One user said the 01 wouldn't even recognize an 03 Prog/Combi card when it was plugged in.
The following table is presented to help you identify 03 card/part numbers
(03 stuff starts with a "U").
Name | Set # | PCM | Prog/Combi |
Best of M&T | USC-1S | XSC-801 | UPC-01 |
Orchestral | USC-2S | XSC-802 | UPC-02 |
Piano Keyboard | USC-3S | XSC-803 | UPC-03 |
Dance | USC-4S | XSC-804 | UPC-04 |
Synth Design | USC-5S | XSC-805 | UPC-05 |
Ethnic | USC-6S | XSC-806 | UPC-06 |
Sound Alternatives | none | none | UPC-11 |
House/Funk | none | none | UPC-12 |
Pop Performance | none | none | UPC-13 |
SAM-1 (by Zadok)
Apparently there is a rack-mount unit (19", 1U) that contains samples
which can be played through the WS, M1, and T-series synths. A cable connects
the SAM-1 to the PCM card slot. This is not compatible with the 01. For
more info about the SAM-1, try:
Sybaris Labs (http://www.sybarislabs.com/shop/)
An acoustic string modeled piano PCM card called 'The Way' costs $155+shipping
from Turkey. (00Jun14)
I have little information about this company or their product(s). One
user e-mail said:
"The InVision 'Acoustic' PCM card and associated floppy set includes exquisite multis of flute, solo violin, baritone horn, harp & marimba. The flue and violin are sampled with natural vibrato, multiple times for a very realistic effect. There's harp glissandos, rainstick and others. The disk has 100 Programs and 100 associated Combis that fully utilize the new waves on the card. This set is sort of rare. Works with 01, Wavestation, and X series synths with the PCM card slot." [00Jul27]
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